The 20 hymns and tunes in this volume give an opportunity for a new generation of worshippers to enter into the theology and experience that captivated John Wesley. They are not only an essential part of the heritage of the ‘People called Methodists’, but they are also a gift to the whole Christian community.
It is undoubtedly the case that most hymns retaining popularity today are sung to exceptionally good tunes. From time to time, new tunes can breathe new life into words that have become dormant. Wendy Edwards Beardall-Norton has written new tunes for each of the twenty hymns. They bring new insights to the words that at times can be profoundly moving. It is my privilege to invite you to get to know them in the hope that
the worshipper will be blessed and the Lord Jesus Christ glorified.
John M. Haley
Digital albums available on:
Apple iTunes